Bhubaneswar: After his transfer evoked criticism from different quarters, Pratap Chandra Khandwal, the ‘dancing traffic cop’ has been reinstated at the Satya Nagar traffic post by Police Commissioner Satyajit Mohanty.
Khandwal, who as a traffic sergeant gained instant public appreciation manning one of the busiest crossings in the city thanks to his unique style of managing the traffic, was recently shunted out and posted as a gate keeper at the traffic police station in AG Square here. The 33-year-old cop had blamed his popularity and the ire of his colleagues and officers for being posted as a gate keeper. He had even threatened to quit job.
The police commissioner, who had assured to look into the matter, has reinstated him, sources said.
His dance moves as a way of manning the post had brought him limelight and media attention. However, according to him, the fame which came in the way proved detrimental. He became a subject of ridicule and cited constant taunts and humiliation from his colleagues after he started getting awards and financial benefits.
The 33-year-old said a Bengaluru-based organisation recently gave him Rs 60,000 for his unique way of managing the traffic. Colleagues became jealous of him after he bought a motorcycle with the money, he had alleged.