New Delhi: Actor Akshay Kumar is a showman whether on screen or off the screen. In the US, along with Nora Fatehi and others, for The Entertainers tour on Friday, he performed at the first show in Atlanta. A video from the show that appeared online shows Akshay starting his act by donning a red lehenga over his black outfit as Nora Fatehi joins him on stage in a short red shimmery outfit. He removes the lehenga to step out in a shimmery black blazer and black pants while showing off his abs in the shirtless look.
Akshay and Nora went on to dance together to ‘Main Khiladi’, a song from Akshay’s latest release ‘Selfiee.’ They showed some energetic dance moves on stage and ended the act with a hug. Mouni Roy, Sonam Bajwa, Disha Patni and Aparshakti Khurana are also a part of Akshay’s The Entertainers tour. They will be visiting various cities in the US to perform live for the audience.
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On Saturday, Akshay also shared a video in which he and his team members including Aparshakti Khurana and Mouni Roy are seen reciting the Gayatri Mantra backstage. Many background dancers and other crew members are also seen reciting the mantra while standing in a big circle.
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Meanwhile, their New Jersey tour has been cancelled, Hindustan Times reported. There are different claims as to why the show got cancelled. While Amit Jaitley, the concert’s promoter, put up an Instagram post stating it was because of ‘extremely slow sales of tickets’, a source close to the tour said it was cancelled due to the non-payment to the promoter.
According to ANI, the source said, “The New Jersey show, which is a part of Entertainers Tour, called off because the local promoter Amit Jaitley of Sai USA INC failed to pay the national promoter. Despite, the presence of a large Indian population in the city was excited about the show, it’s cancelled because of non-payment by Amit Jaitley.”