Ganjam: Jodabandha residents under Jagannathprasad block of Ganjam district on Wednesday thrashed and tonsured the heads of four youths for alleged theft.
Reports said the four had entered the house of Prabhakar Nayak of the same village around 3am on Wednesday. Prabhakar was sleeping on the roof and came downstairs to check on hearing noises. On finding the youth in his house he screamed for help. The youth tried to flee but were caught in neighbouring Narendrapur village.
They were then beaten up badly before residents tonsured their heads partly. Their hands were then tied and they were made to march on the streets. The police arrived on being informed. Two cellphones, a motorbike, a wallet and Rs 2,000 in cash was seized from their possession. The police registered a case and forwarded the four to court. The police station in-charge said those involved in physically harassing the youth will also be apprehended.