New Delhi: Anushka Sharma has once again shared the cutest birthday wish for her husband and cricket superstar Virat Kohli. She took to Instagram to share a picture of him, holding his kids Akaay and Vamika in his arms, likely somewhere in London.
Anushka simply put a heart and an evil eye emojis with her post. Fans were in love with the new picture. “Waiting for this,” wrote one. “Aww akaay and vami,” wrote another. “King with Prince and Princess,” commented another. Virat is seen carrying Akaay in a baby carrier and Vamika is swinging on his left arm.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are one of India’s most celebrated celebrity couples, admired for their talents and down-to-earth nature. Virat, a world-renowned cricketer, and Anushka, a successful Bollywood actress and producer, married in December 2017 in a private ceremony in Italy. Known as “Virushka” by fans, they balance their careers with family life, often sharing glimpses of their bond on social media. In 2021, they welcomed their daughter, Vamika. This year, their son Akaay was born. They have not shown either of their kids’ faces to the world.
They currently live in London.