New Delhi: The person who sent threatening emails to actor Salman Khan has been identified. Mumbai Police have issued a lookout circular (LOC) against an Indian student pursuing medical education in the United Kingdom in this connection, an official said, PTI reported.
The investigation revealed the student hails from Haryana. He is in the third year of a medical course.
The student is likely to return to India by the end of this year when his academic session ends in the UK, the official said.
Police suspect the student allegedly sent threatening messages to Salman Khan in the name of jailed gangster Goldy Brar in March.
A few days ago, Salman Khan received an e-mail on one of his official IDs which stated that he should meet gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s aide Goldy Brar and sort out their differences once and for all, or be ready to face the consequences. The Mumbai Police recently nabbed a minor boy after he called up the control room and allegedly threatened to kill Salman Khan, the news agency added.