Bhubaneswar: The fifth edition of Tata Steel Bhubaneswar Literary Meet (TSBLM) was inaugurated in the state capital. The three-day festival, which celebrates and seeks to promote the rich heritage of the region, was inaugurated by acclaimed economist Lord Meghnad Desai and literary scholar Perumal Murugan. They were joined by Chanakya Chaudhary, vice president, Corporate Services, Tata Steel.
In his keynote address, Lord Desai spoke about how recent developments across geographies are shaping the world as we stand at the cusp of the new decade. This was followed by a session of the translation of the seminal Odia book Basanti, on the political emancipation of women by noted Odia scholars Anant Mahapatra, Himansu Mohapatra and Malabika Roy. The day ended with an engaging performance by YouTube performer Priya Malik.
Chanakya Chaudhary, Vice President, Corporate Services, Tata Steel said, “ From its first year in 2016, TSBLM has drawn premier authors and speakers not just from Odisha, but from across India and the world. The event has grown from strength to strength, becoming an integral part of Bhubaneswar’s annual cultural calendar with a consistently high quality of participants and an inherent connection with local cultural ethos. I am sure this year’s edition will once again celebrate unexplored ideas and unstoppable voices.”
Other eminent speakers and performers who will be a part of this year’s literary extravaganza include Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia, Amol Palekar, Bachi Karkaria, icons of Odia literature Paramita Satpathy Tripathy and Dr. Gourahari Das, actor-director Nandita Das and stand-up comedian Biswa Kalyan Rath.