New Delhi: As the world celebrates Friendship Day, actor-filmmaker Tigmanshu Dhulia is missing his one and only friend, late actor Irrfan Khan. In a chat with Hindustan Times, Tigmanshu shared that he joined the National School of Drama in 1986 and Irrfan was in his third year then. Sharing that they just happened to strike a close bond, he shared “Apni jodi bass bann gayi, and we both grew in our personal and professional lives together.”
Irrfan died in April 2020 after battling cancer. Remembering how the ‘Life of Pi’ star had once said that Tigmanshu was his most special and only friend, the director said that he too feels he doesn’t have any friends anymore.
“Mera bhi koi dost ab bacha nahin hai… He was the only one jo meri saari galtiyon aur kamzoriyon ko jaanta tha (I do not have any friends now. He was the one who knew all my shortcomings and weaknesses). He knew all my plus and minus points. In front of him, I could just be myself. Now, when he has left us, it’s not an age when you make new friends,” he shared.
Tigmanshu Dhulia and Irrfan worked together on the 1995 TV serial Naya Daur. Irrfan has also starred in Dhulia’s directorial debut Haasil and then the National Award-winning Paan Singh Tomar and Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns.
Sharing how Irrfan could see through him, Tigmanhshu further said, “He used to catch my mistakes at once. He had the ability to peep inside me and say everything to my face. Uske saamne main kuch lambi-lambi haank nahin paata tha… Par ab apni kamzoriyon ko chupaate hi rahunga as I can’t share with anyone (I could never show off in front of him, now I can’t talk about my weakness with anyone).”
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