Transport Of Minor Minerals On Roads Prohibited In Odisha’s Cuttack District

Cuttack: The district administration of Cuttack has prohibited operation and transportation of minor minerals on roads in the district after 6 pm on Saturday (June 22).

In an official order, Cuttack collector Arindam Dakua said it has been observed that the vehicles used for transporting minor minerals were neither covering the load nor carrying those in closed containers. As a result, the overflow from overfilled vehicles keep accumulating on the roads creating a layer over the black top of the roads.

“Such condition of roads causes hazards to pedestrians and commuters of small vehicles, particularly the two-wheelers. Though deputy directors, mines, Cuttack and district mining officer, Cuttack have been reminded several times to instruct the lessee to carry minor minerals in closed containers or cover those during transportation and clean the minerals deposited on the roads, no step has been taken in this regard,” said the collector.

In the larger interest of the pubic, the collector issued the order to prohibit operation and transportation of minor minerals on roads in the district from 9 pm of June 22 till the roads are cleared of the deposited minerals.

The roads would be considered clean after the photographs along with certificates from the tehsildar are produced before the authorities, the order added.

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