The Triple Talaq Bill was finally passed in the Lok Sabha on Thursday despite the Opposition’s uproar over sending it to a Standing Committee, reported The Quint. Only eight members voted against the Bill while 303 voted in its favour.
The Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had opened the debate earlier in the day, saying it is imperative that Muslim women are part of the country’s growth.
The Congress had expressed its apprehension with its MP, K Suresh saying, “The Criminality Clause maybe misused by the police and the government. So we’ll strongly oppose it. If the government sticks to that, we’ll ask for division.”
Among those who spoke in favour of the Bill, were BJP MP Mukhtar Abaas Naqvi, who said, “It is a blot on our society and should be abolished.”
The ongoing Parliament session will be extended till 6 August, PTI reported quoting sources.