New Delhi: Author and Akshay Kumar’s wife, Twinkle Khanna has reacted to the spat between royal brothers Harry and William, culminating in the former’s book ‘Spare’ and joked about calling her younger sister Rinkie Khanna ‘Spare’ from now on. She even asked her followers to vote as she called herself ‘heir’ and Rinkie ‘spare’. Prince Harry’s highly-anticipated memoir Spare was released on January 10. In the book, he dives into many topics, including the treatment of him and his wife, Meghan Markle, which led them to step down as working royals in 2020.
On Tuesday, Twinkle shared a black-and-white childhood photo of herself with actor-mother Dimple Kapadia, which also featured Rinkie Khanna as a baby. Taking to Instagram Stories, she wrote along with their monochrome picture, “From today I am going to call my sister ‘Spare’ instead of Rinkie. Throw in your vote: yes or no.” She wrote above her photo ‘heir’, and near Rinkie’s face ‘spare’.
Twinkle Khanna shared a picture with sister Rinke Khanna, and called her ‘spare’.
Rinke Khanna is the younger daughter of the late actor Rajesh Khanna and Dimple Kapadia. She had a short-lived Bollywood career in 1999 with Pyaar Mein Kabhi Kabhi co-starring Dino Morea and Sanjay Suri. She was seen last in Kareena Kapoor-starrer Chameli (2003). Rinke married businessman Samir Saran in 2003, and has a daughter named Naomika Saran. Twinkle Khanna is the author of three books – Mrs Funnybones, The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad and Pyjamas Are Forgiving.