Cuttack: Odisha Police fined the owner of a two-wheeler Rs 26,000 for letting a minor ride his scooty in violation of Motor Vehicle Act, 2019.
Officials said the 17-year-old, dressed in school uniform, was found riding the scooty in Sector 6 area of Cuttack on Saturday during a checking against traffic rules violation. The Motor Vehicle Inspector on duty stopped the rider and found him to be under-aged. The boy was also not wearing helmet.
According to the MV Act, the MVI fined the two-wheeler owner on two counts. While Rs 25,000 fine was imposed on the scooty owner for letting a juvenile ride the bike in violation of the MV Act, another Rs 1,000 was levied for riding without helmet.
The challan was issued under 194D (riding without helmet by driver and pillion) and 199A (2) (offences by juveniles) of the Motor Vehicle Act 2019, the sources added.
“For offence committed by a juvenile, his/her parents will be prosecuted and fines will be imposed upon the them under provision in Section 199 of the Motor Vehicles Act,” Cuttack RTO officials said.