New Delhi: A day after the Lok Sabha election results, photos of leaders of both NDA and INDIA alliance, travelling on the same flight to Delhi have gone viral. JDU’s Nitish Kumar and RJD’s Tejashwi Yadav were on the same flight to Delhi to attend separate meetings. Interestingly, one set of visuals showed Yadav sitting right behind Kumar. And then, another visual showed the RJD leader next to the JDU chief.
Nitish Kumar’s close aide and JDU leader KC Tyagi told news agency ANI on Tuesday that the party will stay in NDA and rejected any speculation of a switch to the INDIA bloc. Meanwhile, Chandrababu Naidu congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi on NDA’s stunning show in Andhra Pradesh and said TDP and BJP would rebuild the state together.
Notably, both these leaders have been critical of Prime Minister Modi and the BJP in the past. Nitish Kumar led the discussions for forging an Opposition front to take on the BJP before his last-minute switch.
Among the INDIA leaders who are flying to the national capital for the key meeting are Samajwadi party chief Akhilesh Yadav, RJD’s Tejashwi Yadav Uddhav Thackeray, Sharad Pawar, DMK president MK Stalin and Trinamool Congress’s Abhishek Banerjee.