New Delhi: Two minor boys in Uttar Pradesh’s Siddharthnagar district were made to drink urine, green chillies rubbed in their anus, and forcibly given some unidentifiable injections on suspicion of theft. The victims are 10 and 15-year-old boys. The goons allegedly caught the boys and tied them up, accusing them of stealing money. Videos of the assault showed the boys were made to eat green chillies, and gulp them down with urine filled in a bottle. A group of men could be heard abusing them and threatening to beat them up if they didn’t go through with it, NDTV reported.
The report described another disturbing video showing the boys lying face down on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs and trousers pulled down, while a man rubs and shoves green chillies in their anus. The boys, who were screaming in pain, are then also injected with a yellow-coloured liquid.
The video, shot on August 4, is from Arshan Chicken Shop near Konkati Chauraha of Pathra Bazaar police station area of the district, according to the report.
Police were quoted as saying that they took immediate cognizance of the video “of objectionable act against two children” circulating on social media, and registered a case under relevant sections of the law. They have identified the people involved in the assault, and six of them have been detained, the district’s Additional Superintendent of Police, Siddhartha, said.