New Delhi: An ambulance driver and his helper from Lucknow’s Ghazipur area sexually harassed a patient’s wife while he was being taken to Siddharth Nagar district, police said. When he tried to fight back, he was thrown off the vehicle and died as a result of injuries from the fall and other complications, they added.
The woman’s brother, who was also in the vehicle, was confined in the back cabin, Hindustan Times reported.
According to the police, the incident took place when the vehicle was in Basti district on August 29. The duo has been booked for culpable homicide, use of criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty, wrongful confinement and robbery.
According to Additional DCP Jitendra Dubey, police teams had been formed to catch the culprits. The couple hailed from Siddharth Nagar district and the husband was seeking neuro care in a hospital in Lucknow.
As the couple found the hospital charges exorbitant, they decided to go back home.