Sambalpur: Vigilance officials on Thursday apprehended a state government official while accepting bribe of Rs 20,000 in Odisha’s Samablpur city.
Following complaint that Bhagirathi Kharsel, Junior Clerk in the office of Joint Labour Commissioner, Sambalpur was demanding Rs 20,000 from a labour contractor for issuing licence for 55 labourers with validity for one year, the Vigilance set a trap.
As per the plan, the complainant went to give the bribe to Kharsel. While the junior clerk was accepting the money, the Vigilance sleuths caught him red-handed. The entire bribe amount of Rs 20,000 was recovered from possession of Kharsel and seized.
Following the trap, the Vigilance launched simultaneous searches in the properties of Kharsel at 2 locations in Sambalpur district from disproportionate assets (DA) angle.
Sambalpur Vigilance has registered a case under PC Amendment Act, 2018 in this connection and further investigation is in progress.