Nuapada: The Vigilance sleuths on Sunday raided the official residence of Chief District Veterinary Officer (CDVO) of Nuapada Trilochan Dhal and his paternal house at Naraj in Cuttack district following the seizure of cash worth Rs 2.77 lakh from his department vehicle.
Acting on a tip-off on Saturday that Dhal will be leaving for his native place at Naraj the next morning, the Vigilance sleuths, who were lying in wait near Tarini temple in Nuapada town, intercepted his vehicle around 4 am and seized the cash from his possession.
As the CDVO failed to explain the reason for carrying the cash and its legitimate source, the Vigilance officials detained him and conducted simultaneous raids on his official residence in Nuapada and paternal house at Naraj, sources said.