Mumbai: Vu, the first company in India to launch smart Android TVs, has now launched four new 4K Android TVs with screen sizes of 43, 50, 55 and 65-inches. The prices of Vu Premium Android 4K TV are as follows:
43-inches – Rs 43000
50-inches – Rs 51000
55-inches – Rs 59000
65-inches – Rs 110000
The TVs run Android 8.o Oreo, have 4K HDR 10 tech, 4K upscaling, Dolby Audio, ActiVoice Remote (voice assist and search) and direct access to Google apps such as Google Play and YouTube.
It comes pre-loaded with YouTube, Hotstar, SonyLIV, Eros Now, ZEE5 and Hungama.
Xiaomi on Wednesday reduced the price of its popular 55-inch 4K smart TV by Rs 2000. It is now being sold at Rs 47999.