New Delhi: Age is not a barrier for this woman and neither does she need special gear. If this video doesn’t inspire or energise you, nothing will. Shared on Instagram by Vishnu, the video shows 62-year-old Nagaratnamma climbing to the top of a peak, Agasthya Koodam, situated in the Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu. She can be seen climbing the peak with the help of a rope. And that’s not all. And all of this, wearing a saree!
“One of the highest and toughest hiking peaks in the Sahyadri mountain range. This is Nagaratnamma doing rope climbing on 16th February 2022. She came with her son and friends from Bangalore. This was her first trip outside Karnataka. She said for the last 40 years after her marriage she had been busy with family responsibilities. Now, since her children have all grown up and settled down, she can pursue her dreams. Nobody could match her enthusiasm and energy. It was one of the most motivating and enriching experiences for all those who watched her climb,” read the caption.