New Delhi: Actor Ashish Vidyarthi, who got married for the second time at the age of 60, has finally broken the silence. The veteran actor shared his views and thoughts about finding love a second time in Rupali Barua on his YouTube channel. In a 3-minute video, Ashish clearly stated that everyone deserves to be happy. He added that every person deserves love and when he and Piloo (his first wife) couldn’t walk together on the same path, they decided to part ways amicably.
“So each of our lives is different. Each of us has different opportunities, different challenges, different backgrounds, and education. The way we think. Each of us (has) a different profession. We all are from different social strata, countries, religions, and beliefs. But one thing which is common is ‘all of us want to be happy,” the actor said in the video.
The actor revealed that about 22 years back he got married to Piloo Vidyarthi, and they had a beautiful journey in which they were blessed with a son, Arth. He further added, “A few years back, Piloo and I discovered that after that beautiful innings, that we played together, we felt that how we saw the future was slightly different from one another. Yes, we tried our best. If we can sort out the differences, we discovered that the differences can be sorted out, but one has to impose on the other. And that will take away the happiness.” Vidyarthi stated that he and Piloo decided to part ways amicably.
After getting separated from Piloo, Ashish said that he wanted to get married, and thus he met Rupali Barua. “I had a firm belief that I want to get married. Because I want to travel with somebody. So I literally let the word out in the universe. I was 55 at that time. And that’s when I met Rupali Barua. We got chatting, and then we met a year back, and we discovered something about one another. And we thought we could be walking together, as husband and wife.”
By the end of the video, Ashish also cleared the rumours related to his and Rupali’s age. He said, “She is 50, and I am 57, not 60.” Ashish and Rupali got married in an intimate ceremony on May 25.
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