New Delhi: After becoming the first Indian to have become Gucci’s brand ambassador, Alia Bhatt has added another feather to her cap as the luxury brand’s face. In a new video released as part of Gucci Chime’s 10th-anniversary campaign, Alia Bhatt joined global icons like Idris Elba, Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek, Serena Williams and John Legend to promote gender equality.
Sharing the video, Alia Bhatt wrote, “Excited to be chiming in for Gucci Chime’s 10th Anniversary Campaign!” The video features Alia alongside Julia Garner, Julia Roberts, Idris Elba, John Legend and Serena Williams. The celebrities declare their support for gender equality and their commitment to “education, strength and dignity”. The video concludes with Idris Elba saying, “We chime as one.”
Alia’s fans left comments for her on the Gucci video on Instagram. “Bollywood queen Alia Bhatt,” wrote one. “Alia and Salma, my favourite. Alia with someone of my nationality is my win,” wrote another. Alia got the most attention in the comment section compared to others.
The Gangubai Kathiawadi actress recently attended the Gucci Cruise 2024 show in Seoul, South Korea, where she donned a mini black dress with polka dotted cutout. She completed her look with black platform heels and a Gucci Jackie 1961 transparent bag.
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