New Delhi: A viral video has emerged on social media where a man was beaten up by an angry mob for kissing his wife in Ayodhya’s Ram ki Paidi. Ram ki Paidi is a series of ghats on the bank of the river Saryu.
In the video, the couple can be seen taking a dip in the ghat even as a crowd starts surrounding them. Seconds later, a man drags the husband away and starts hitting him. The wife tries to stop the crowd but is soon overpowered the moment they get out of the water.
अयोध्या: सरयू में स्नान के दौरान एक आदमी ने अपनी पत्नी को किस कर लिया. फिर आज के रामभक्तों ने क्या किया, देखें:
— Suneet Singh (@Suneet30singh) June 22, 2022