New Delhi: At 51, Bhojpuri actor and BJP MP Manoj Tiwari is all set to embrace fatherhood again. The politician and his wife, Surabhi Tiwari, are going to welcome their second child. Manoj Tiwari has another child from his first marriage also. The father-to-be shared the exciting news with his fans and followers on Instagram, with a beautiful video of his wife’s ”Godh Bharai” (Baby Shower) ceremony.
The video caption was written in Hindi, which roughly translates to, “You cannot express some happiness in words, you can only feel it.”
In the video, Tiwari, along with his wife Surabhi, can be seen rejoicing amid the colourful ceremony while happily posing together. They can also be seen meeting and greeting their guests, who are congratulating the couple. T
Soon after Tiwari announced the happy news, celebrities and fans took to the comment section to congratulate the couple with hearty wishes. One user wrote, “Cutest family Manoj Tiwari sir congratulations to you both.” Another commented, “Superb…heartiest wishes to u and ur family.”
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Surabhi is Manoj Tiwari’s second wife and they welcomed a daughter in 2020. He was earlier married to Rani Tiwari in 1999 and together they have a daughter named Rhiti. In 2012, Manoj and Rani Tiwari decided to part ways after 11 years of marriage.