New Delhi: In a shocking incident from Bihar’s Patna, a student of Class XII attempted suicide by jumping off the roof of her apartment. The girl was saved by a young man. The entire incident was caught on camera which showed the girl sitting on the roof of her apartment before jumping off it.
According to reports, the girl failed her Class XII exams and was allegedly in depression which led her to take the extreme step.
⚠️Trigger warning
A girl in #Patna attempted suicide by plunging from apartment roof. As per reports, she was depressed after she flunked in 12th. A young man saved her from hitting floor, she is injured and hospitalized.
Talk to your young— बिहार | Bihar ● (@Biharyouth1) September 30, 2023
The girl was saved by a young man before she hit the floor. She is currently undergoing treatment for her injuries, News 18 reported.