New Delhi: Brahmastra: Part One Shiva, which was released on September 9 and had impressive box office earnings, is the first in an ambitiously planned trilogy. It marks the beginning of a new cinematic universe, ‘The Astraverse’. The film recently started showcasing on Disney+ Hotstar and garnered impressive views despite running in theatres for nearly two months. The OTT version of the film gives a clear glimpse of Deepika Padukone, who was rumoured to be playing Ranbir’s mother, Amrita, in Brahmastra Part II- Dev. When Part I was released in theatres, some fans, who had watched it in IMAX, claimed that they spotted Deepika in the film. While others, who watched it in 2D, said the actress wasn’t visible at all.
The OTT version of the film has cleared all the doubts surrounding Deepika’s casting as Amrita in Brahmastra 2. In this version, Deepika is clearly visible in one scene which comes right after the interval where she is seen holding baby Shiva in her hands. There are reports that Deepika’s character might shape the entire progress and transformation of Shiva.
Fans, who couldn’t watch the film in IMAX, were surprised to spot Deepika when they rewatched the movie on Disney+ Hotstar. One fan wrote, “Today, I watched Brahmastra for the second time. I hadn’t noticed Deepika Padukone before. But this time, it was so evident that she is there in the film! She has to be there in the second part too.” Another one said, “Rewatching Brahmastra and I see Amrita is Deepika. Shiva’s mom! This was not visible in the theatres for sure.
Here is Deepika Padukone’s glimps from bhramastra part one – shiva ❤️
— horny sanera (@FilesDeepika) November 3, 2022
Not sure if anyone else did. But I just spotted @deepikapadukone in @BrahmastraFilm for a fraction of sec. So its no more a rumour #Deepika is playing role of #shiva’:s mother in Brahmastra. #BrahmastraOnHotstar #Bramhastra #brahmāstra #shiva
— Sarang (@sarangsp) November 8, 2022
Deepika padukone in and as amritha in brahmastra 😍 eagerly waiting for dev part 2@deepikapadukone #Brahmastra #Brahmastra2 #RanbirKapoor #AliaBhatt #ShahRukhKhan𓀠
— SRK lovers world (@Mohan781600) November 7, 2022
Today, I watched Brahmastra for the second time. I hadn’t noticed Deepika Padukone before. But this time, it was so evident that she is there in the film! She has to be there in the second part too! 🤩🤩
— 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆 (@Pillow_History) November 4, 2022