Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan had a tough time at the Mumbai International Airport as fans surrounded, mobbed, and even pushed around in the wee hours of Thursday. Fans mobbed him for selfies and videos, with women fans particularly excited. Khan was at the airport to leave for Abu Dhabi where he will host the IIFA Awards.
A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. Fans are seen rushing towards him shouting his name.
As soon as he stepped out of his car to go inside the airport, fans spotted him and started shouting his name. Soon he was mobbed and at one point he even lost his balance and almost tripped. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, and a matching cap.
His guards shielded him quickly. Some CISF personnel also came to his rescue and took him through the airport gate.
When the video of the incident became viral on the internet, netizens expressed their displeasure with the fans. Some argued that this is the reason why the superstar mostly flies from private airports.
Th Badshah of Bollywood will be hosting a major Bollywood award functions after about 10 years. He will be joined by filmmaker Karan Johar as a co-host.
Shah Rukh Khan gets mobbed at Mumbai International AirPort, as fan girls go berserk
seeing him ðŸ˜ðŸ™ˆ— 👸Sharania Jhanvið“€ (@SharaniaJ) September 26, 2024