Bhubaneswar: The first glimpse of bilingual movie, ‘Malyagiri’, was dropped on the birthday of its lead actor Babushaan Mohanty on July 30 with the tagline: “He is rogue, he is dangerous. Don’t mess with him.”
The Odia-Hindi movie directed by Prithvi Raj Pattnaik also stars Amlan Das, Sivani Sangita and Suryamayee. Babushaan has turned procuder with this movie, which is slated for Dussehra release.
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Babushaan’s last release ‘Daman’, a social drama based on the facts about Odisha’s malaria elimination drive, had made waves nationwide. Bollywood star Ajay Devgn had launched the trailer of the Hindi version of the film about a fearless young doctor whose initiative helped in bringing down cases of Malaria in the remote areas of Odisha. Babushaan and Dipanwit Dashmohpatra were hailed for their honest performances in the film.