New Delhi: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan is the muse of son Aryan Khan’s directorial debut. The debutant director and Badshah of Bollywo0d took to social media to share a glimpse of Aryan’s project. The shot is for Aryan’s luxury clothing brand.
Taking to Twitter, Shah Rukh shared a teaser of the ad and wrote, “X marks the spot. 24 hours to go.” Aryan shared the same on Instagram with the caption, “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW_YZ. X will be here in 24 hours.”
The ‘X’ mentioned in both posts appears to be the logo that would appear on the outfits of the brand. Fans would have spotted Shah Rukh and Suhana Khan wearing clothes from the label at KKR matches as part of the ongoing IPL matches in India.
X marks the spot.
24 hours to go.
Follow @dyavol.x on Instagram for exclusive content.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) April 24, 2023
Aryan is also working towards making his debut as a director of a series. Last December, Aryan revealed he is done writing his debut script and is ready to direct it. Shah Rukh Khan’s older son took to Instagram and confirmed the news with a picture of a bound script that was placed next to a clapboard with the Red Chillies Production name on it. “Wrapped with the writing…can’t wait to say action,” he wrote. Bilal Siddiqi, who is rumoured to be co-writing the project with Aryan, was among the first ones to comment.
Unlike Shah Rukh, Aryan has no interest in acting.