New Delhi: After the upcoming epic action-drama film Adipurush was criticised by Nepalese politician Balen Shah for the statement in the film suggesting Goddess Sita is the “daughter of India”, the makers have reportedly removed or modified the dialogue. Adipurush stars Prabhas and Kriti Sanon in the lead roles. Shah, who is the 15th mayor of Nepal’s capital Kathmandu, had shared on Facebook that unless the slogan “Janki is the daughter of India” included in the film Adipurush is considered true not only in Nepal but also in India, no Hindi film would be permitted to be screened in the Kathmandu Metropolitan City.
According to Hindu mythology, Sita is believed to have been born in Janakpur, which is indeed located in present-day Nepal. In the epic Ramayana, Janakpur is depicted as the birthplace of Sita and the kingdom of her father, King Janaka. However, her birthplace has been a subject of debate and interpretation within different cultural and religious contexts. The beliefs can vary among different traditions and interpretations of the Ramayana.