Mumbai: Veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah on Wednesday criticised “sections of Indian Muslims celebrating the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan”, and called it rather dangerous. In a recent video recorded in Urdu, the actor drew distinctions between ‘Hindustani Islam’ and what is practised in other parts of the world.
Absolutely! ?
Taliban is a curse!— Sayema (@_sayema) September 1, 2021
“Even as the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan is a cause for concern for the whole world, celebrations of the barbarians by some sections of Indian Muslims is no less dangerous,” Naseeruddin Shah said in a video shared on social media. He also went on to say that those who are celebrating the revival of the Taliban, should question themselves, “if they want a reformed, modern Islam (jiddat pasandi), or live with the old barbarism (vaishipan) of the past few centuries.”
Differentiating between what he called “Hindustani Islam” and what is actually practised in other parts of the world he added, “May God not bring a time when it changes so much that we cannot even recognise it. He mentioned his own personal relationship with God, and that he doesn’t need political religion. “I am an Indian Muslim and as Mirza Ghalib said years ago, my relationship with God is informal. I don’t need political religion,” he said.