New Delhi: Citadel actress Priyanka Chopra had an oops moment recently. She revealed that she fell down at the New York premiere of her new film Love Again. Priyanka was wearing a bleached denim dress which was hindering her ability to walk comfortably. As a result, she fell down on the red carpet. But to her pleasant surprise, the paparazzi gathered there chose to not photograph her embarrassing moment.
Opening up about the incident on The View, Priyanka said, “I haven’t talked about this because I try and look for this thing every day on social media. But, I was wearing really high heels in this dress for it to look as tall as it did and you know, red carpet is full of press people, everyone is clicking pictures, fans. And, I fell on the carpet, on my shoes, I fell down all the way on my butt.”
However, no one took a single picture or record her all. “I have never seen this happen in my 23 years of career, everyone put their cameras down and said ‘Don’t worry about it Pri, take your time’. I was mortified for a second, but when I saw people do that — they said, ‘You’re always so nice, we got this’ — I stood up. And till now, there is no clip of me falling,” she added.
Fans lauded the international media. “That’s really very respectful. Kudos to the photographers,” a Reddit user said. “That’s really nice of them and Priyanka. She didn’t need to give them a shout-out but she clearly respects them giving her privacy,” added another. “Shows that she’s respectful to them so they are being respectful to her! Love that she is confident enough to share it with the world rather than being hush-hush about it,” a third user wrote. Many also asked Indian paparazzi to follow the same.
Love Again is slated to release this weekend. The film marks Priyanka Chopra’s third Hollywood film after Baywatch and Isn’t It Romantic. She is currently headlining Citadel as well.
Priyanka Chopra shares a red carpet moment that wasn’t caught on camera
by u/bammbamm95967 in BollyBlindsNGossip
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