New Delhi: Salman Khan, who has a large fan following outside India too, recently attended the Joy Awards 2022 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Among the world’s well-known actors was John Travolta, who met the ‘Dabangg’ star.
Salman Khan was given the Personality of the Year Award at the ceremony, while Travolta received the Lifetime Achievement Award. The event was organized by Saudi Arabia’s General Entertainment Authority and took place at the Baker Al Sheddi Theatre on Riyadh’s Boulevard, News 18 reported.
Salman introduced himself to Travolta in the most humble way possible. The video of Salman and John’s meeting has gone viral. Salman was seen complimenting the ‘Pulp Fiction’ actor on his performance in the film and introducing himself. “I work in the Indian film industry,” he was overheard saying. “Hello, my name is Salman Khan.”
Fans were overjoyed to see Salman Khan and John Travolta in the same frame.