New Delhi: A video of three dancers grooving to the desi version of the popular song ‘Bella Ciao’ has gone viral online. The clip was posted on Instagram by Mumbai-based dancer Nicole Concessao and has been viewed 1.4 million times.
In the viral clip, Nicole shakes a leg to the peppy number with Awez Darbar and Sonal Devraj. They are all wearing red jumpsuits just like the characters of Money Heist and dance energetically to the desi version.
“Got to love a good Desi twist to the famous Bella Ciao Enjoyed creating this hook step & now it’s your turn to recreate and share your reels! Also have to say, if I ever were in a heist, @bhaiyajiismile & @awez_darbar would definitely be part of the gang!” read the caption of the post.