After the recently concluded Border-Gavaskar series in Ahmedabad, which India won by 2-1, former Indian skipper Virat Kohli returned to Mumbai. He met the Norway dance group Quick Style and posted a snap on his official Twitter handle. The ace cricketer wrote, “Guess who I met in Mumbai.” He also tagged the popular dance group.
After some time, the dance group shared a video with King Kohli on their Instagram page. “When Virat meets Quick Style,” read the caption accompanying the video posted by Quick Style. The video opens with one of the dance group members picking up a cricket bat. He seems unsure of what to do with it and performs a few moves. As the video progresses, Virat Kohli walks up to him and gestures to hand him the bat. Soon, other crew members join, and they break into a dance to Stereo Nation’s Ishq. The star-studded video has now gone viral on the Internet.
Guess who I met in mumbai 🔥👀 @TheQuickstyle
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) March 14, 2023
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