New Delhi: An old video of actor Aayush Sharma speaking about his wife Arpita Khan is going viral. In the video, Aayush reveals how his wife Arpita often gets trolled on social media for being “overweight” and “dark in colour. The viral clip is from last year’s TEDx, where he spoke about the toxicity and negativity on social media. “My wife is constantly trolled for being overweight. She is a constant target that being a celebrity she shouldn’t be so fat, she should dress a certain way. And she is dark in colour. Every time her picture comes, people are quick to remind her that she is dark in colour,” Aayush can be heard saying.
Aayush Sharma added, “Today, beauty is no longer internal, no one wants to know how beautiful you are as a human being, but people want to see you beautiful externally. But I am proud of my wife because she is comfortable in her own skin.”
“She is proud of who she is and behind closed doors, she tells me, ‘I am not a celebrity, I have done nothing to be a celebrity. I am never going to be in front of the camera, so I am going to be who I am, I am going to live my life the I way I am going to live my life,” Aayush Sharma concluded.