New Delhi: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s Tuesday visit to actor Salman Khan’s house made news. So did the actor’s house.
The CM had gone to the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor’s house to assure him of protection after the recent firing outside his house.
The videos from Salman and his family’s meeting with the CM at Galaxy Apartment are grabbing attention on social media. Many on X (Formerly Twitter) and Reddit have reacted to the ‘mediocre and simple’ decor at the actor’s home.
Everyone noticed the basic glass centre table and grey-printed sofas and the visible absence of opulence, not expected from such a big star.
#WATCH | Mumbai | Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde met actor Salman Khan at his residence.
Inside visuals from the residence.
(Source: Eknath Shinde office)
— ANI (@ANI) April 16, 2024
An X user tweeted in response to a video shared by ANI, “What amazes me, just look at his house, so small, simple and mediocre, when can buy villas at the most premium places, interesting and impressive. Example for people who spend unnecessarily on building huge houses to get validation from society, oh!! I just remember Ambani while typing this as well, he’s the opposite of this, Antilia (Billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s Mumbai residence).”
A person wrote in reaction, “This is just guest meeting room. His house in the same building is a triplex.” To this, an X user wrote, “Even if you think it a guest meeting room, meeting rooms are supposed to be even more lavish and structured.”
Reacting to a video of Salman greeting the CM outside his Bandra home, a Redditor wrote, “What shocks me is his house. That too for such a huge celebrity. Even upper middle-class people have better houses. My house is way nicer. Salman makes crores of rupees; he gives it all away to his family or what?”
A comment also read, “I don’t know what’s the deal with Salman’s house. But some people just don’t care about good-looking cars or houses or clothes or phones. It’s not because they’re humble or anything (Salman is definitely not), but because that’s how they are.” A person also wrote, “The dude could live in a luxury penthouse suite in a 5 star hotel every single day and he might be, who knows…”