New Delhi: During the ‘Beti Bachao Mahapanchayat’ called over the horrific Shraddha Walkar murder case in the capital city, a woman hit a man with her slipper, alleging his son had run away with her daughter. She also alleged police inaction while speaking on the microphone.
In a video shared online, the man is seen standing right next to her on the stage and seemingly trying to stop her from sharing her grievance against his son.
“It has been five days that I’m being hassled at the police station. No one is listening to me,” she says on the microphone before she takes off her slippers and hits the man.
#WATCH | Chattarpur, Delhi: Woman climbs up the stage of Hindu Ekta Manch’s program ‘Beti Bachao Mahapanchayat’ to express her issues; hits a man with her slippers when he tries to push her away from the mic
— ANI (@ANI) November 29, 2022