New Delhi: After actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu revealed in October that she was battling an autoimmune disease, the internet search for ‘what is Myositis’ went so high that the query featured in the top 10 ‘what is’ list of Google. On Tuesday, the search engine revealed the most searched list of the year — from movies and people to news events and sports.
One of the lists was the most searched ‘What is’. Topping the list was ‘What is Agneepath Scheme?’ Also on the list were ‘What is surrogacy?’ ‘What is Article 370?’ and ‘What is metaverse?’ On the 10th spot was ‘What is myositis?’
The other searches were:
1) What is Agneepath Scheme
2) What is NATO
3) What is NFT
4) What is PFI
5) What is the square root of 4
6) What is surrogacy
7) What is solar eclipse
8) What is Article 370
9) What is metaverse
10) What is myositis
The spike in the search was noticed around the end of October when Samantha took to Instagram and shared a post about her diagnosis. At the time, Samantha shared a picture from the hospital and opened up about her medical condition.
“Your response to the Yashodha Trailer was overwhelming. It is this love and connection that I share with all of you, that gives me the strength to deal with the seemingly unending challenges that life throws at me. A few months back I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Myositis,” she wrote.
“I was hoping to share this after it had gone into remission. But it is taking a little longer than I hoped. I am slowly realising that we don’t always need to put up a strong front. Accepting this vulnerability is something that I am still struggling with. The doctors are confident that I will make a complete recovery very soon. I have had good days and bad days…. physically and emotionally…. and even when it feels like I can’t handle one more day of this, somehow that moment passes. I guess it can only mean that I am one more day closer to recovery,” she added.