New Delhi: The Deols have always kept their women away from the limelight and that too, pretty successfully. For example, Dharmendra’s first wife Prakash Kaur’s face must have surfaced only once and that picture floated around for many years till their grandson Karan Deol’s wedding recently. Even now, only one photo of hers with Dharmendra is doing the rounds. No one knows what their two daughters look like. Bobby Deol’s wife and son have also surfaced recently and no one has ever seen Sunny Deol’s wife even though he has been married for nearly 40 years. What’s more, her real name is not Pooja.
Sunny had reportedly tied the knot around the release of his debut film Betab (1983), in which he was paired opposite Amrita Singh. However, he kept his marriage a secret for “many years,” according to several media reports on the internet. Although later that year, a magazine reportedly leaked pictures of his secret wedding with Pooja, it was said that Sunny had denied being married to anyone at the time. There were also rumours of Sunny Deol being in an alleged relationship with Dimple Kapadia. Sunny and Dimple worked together in about five films including Manzil Manzil, Arjun, Narsimha and Aag Ka Gola. Even though there were reports of them being quite serious about each other, the two never publicly admitted to dating each other.
Pooja Deol reportedly belongs to a Royal British family. It was reported that even after her wedding to Sunny, Pooja chose to continue residing in London. In 1990, the couple was blessed with Karan. The couple has another son named Rajvir Singh Deol. Pooja’s real name is Lynda. She is half Indian and half British as her father is an Indian and her mother is British, News18 reported.
Recently, Sunny and Pooja’s son Karan got married to his longtime girlfriend, Drisha Acharya, in the presence of their families and close friends. The Deols also hosted a grand wedding reception in Mumbai, which was attended by the who’s who of Bollywood.