New Delhi: Ace choreographer Saroj Khan changed the way Bollywood dances. She was popular for her signature dance moves and was also known as Madhur Dixit’s muse. A biopic on her has been confirmed to remember her contribution to the world of Indian cinema. While the latest reports claim that director Hansal Mehta and producer Bhushan Kumar are teaming up to make a biopic on her life, Madhuri Dixit is rumoured to be in talks to play her, News18 reported
Saroj’s daughter Sukaina Khan was quoted as saying that no name has been finalised as yet. Speaking to Hindustan Times, she shared “They haven’t decided anything. The team has told me that as soon as they will shortlist the actors, they will come and have a word with the family. And it’s going to be a tough task to cast the right actors. I don’t think they have set their mind on one person,” and added that she feels more than one actor should be cast to show different phases of her mom’s life.
On a closing note she added that it’s the makers’ call on the casting and that she doesn’t want to get into the same. “I am just happy that they have decided to put out the story of a legend like her, who has done exceptionally well not just as a professional but also as a mother, a daughter and a grandmother.”