New Delhi: A biopic on legendary India cricketer Yuvraj Singh was announced recently. Speculations are rife about which actor will land the coveted role of one of the finest sportspersons to have emerged out of the country. The allrounder played a prominent role in India winning two World Cup titles – the 2007 World T20 and 2011 ODI World Cup.
Another India legend, Rahul Dravid, also fulfilled his dream of winning a World Cup. ‘The Wall’ signed off his tenure as Indian men’s cricket team head coach with the 2024 T20 World Cup triumph. Known for his calm demeanour, Dravid put on a rare display of emotions lifting the trophy.
The batting legend recently was conferred with a lifetime achievement award during an event.
During a Q&A session, the 51-year-old was asked if a biopic was made on his life, whom would he like to play the lead role?
“If the money is good enough, I’ll play it myself,” Dravid responded with a smile, News18 reported.
Dravid didn’t get to play a World Cup in India but was able to soak in the incredible atmosphere as coach during the 2023 ODI World Cup last year.
“To travel all over this country and to be able to experience that joy and passion of the fans. I’ve never been a part of a World Cup as a player in India, but just the experience as a coach to go from city to city and just walk and see what this game meant to the people of this country was phenomenal. It was incredible,” Dravid was quoted as saying.
Notably, India stormed into the final of the competition with 9 wins in a row but lost to Australia in the title clash.
“I thought we ran a phenomenal campaign. We came unstuck in the final and Australia played better cricket than us on the day. They were a better team and congratulations (to them). That can happen in sport and that’s what sport is about,” Dravid added.