Bhubanewar: The Apollo Cancer Centres, Bhubaneswar has successfully performed PET guided biopsy on two patients recently.
PET guided biopsy is a unique modern technique of per-cutaneous biopsy procedure under PET-CT guidance. Tumor tissue consists of both live and dead cell so it is important for an interventional nuclear medicine physician to take tissue bite from live region to increase the diagnostic yield to 100%.
PET guided biopsy is a real time biopsy procedure which guides the interventional nuclear medicine physician to take live tissue from a tumor bed from where it should be taken for a histo-pathological examination which is very important initial step for a cancer diagnosis and guides in treatment.
The accuracy of this procedure is very high (near about 100%), diagnostic yield is 100% as per some literatures as compared to other biopsy procedures like CT guided and USG guided biopsy. Due to this, the patient doesn’t require repeated CT guided and USG guided biopsy where failure rates are significant due to improper selection of tissue bites.
The team led by Dr Saroj Kumar Sahu, consultant, Nuclear Medicine at Apollo Cancer Centre, Bhubaneswar, opined that such procedures are a boon to many patients who fail to get diagnosed early for cancer. This procedure can help cut down the delay in starting the treatment and thus, control the disease progression, he added.
At Apollo Cancer Centres, Bhubaneswar PET guided biopsy is done in two packages at very affordable prices. They are PET guided biopsy and PET-CT whole body and PET guided biopsy, both in the same sitting.
Sudhir M Diggikar, Regional CEO, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd, congratulated the team headed by Dr Sahu for the successful procedure which was done for the first time in Odisha.