New Delhi: Pathaan’s OTT release comes with an extra treat for Shah Rukh Khan fans with an extra scene. To say that they are euphoric would be an understatement. Pathaan premiered on Amazon Prime Video on March 22 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. A scene in the extended version of the film eclipses everything else. The Internet was beyond delighted to see an extra Shah Rukh Khan scene and a few other additions in the extended version of the film on OTT and the many tweets reflect that. Take a look:
It’s Extended Version 🥰🥰🥰#Pathaan on Prime
— Aman (@amanaggar) March 21, 2023
This look and scene added
🥵😍#PathaanOnPrime #Pathaan— MASRUR (@masrur2srk) March 21, 2023
SRK and YouTuber Bhuvan Bam collaborated to share the big news about the film’s OTT release. The caption on the video shared by Prime Video India read: “Nothing, just Pathaan sharing some news with you. Watch #PathaanOnPrime, Mar 22 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.”
nothing, just Pathaan sharing some news with you 💣
watch #PathaanOnPrime, Mar 22 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu@iamsrk @deepikapadukone @TheJohnAbraham #SiddharthAnand @yrf
— prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) March 21, 2023