Bhubaneswar/Berhampur: While Berhampur saw two women and a child having a lucky escape after being chased by a pack of stray dogs, an FIR has been lodged in Odisha capital over alleged poisoning of six canines at Labour colony at Chandrasekharpur.
It is being suspected that the dogs died after consuming poison-laced food. People For Animals (PFA) has lodged a formal police complaint in this connection. “The killing of dogs is illegal under section 428, 429 (mischief of killing and maiming animal) and is punishable and amounts to both imprisonment and fine. It is also a violation of section 11 of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960,” read the complaint filed by PFA member JB Das.
However, this is not the first instance of cruelty against animals being reported from the city. A dog was allegedly burnt alive by a woman near Budheswari Temple under Laxmisagar police limits in January last year. A man allegedly shot dead a stray dog and injured another after they killed some of his chickens in Jagamara area the same month.
Similarly, a tiffin stall owner in Choudwar had allegedly poisoned 20 stray dogs in five days in September 2021.
Meanwhile in Berhampur, Supriya, Sasmita and her child were chased by dogs at Gandhinagar lane 7 while they were going to temple in a scooter. The rider lost control over the two-wheeler while trying to speed away and rammed it into a stationary car. The entire incident and the accident was captured in a CCTV camera installed at the spot.