Odisha Govt Simplifies Land Allotment For Tourism Projects; Details Here

Bhubaneswar: To promote tourism in the State and invite investment in this sector, the Odisha cabinet on Friday approved a proposal to amend the Odisha Tourism Policy 2016 to ease land allocations for hotel projects.


The Idco will identify, acquire and allot land for tourism projects and maintain a land bank.

It will simplify the land allotment procedure for tourism projects and bring uniformity in land allotment procedure across industries.

Land allotment for tourism projects shall be done through Idco at the following rates:

a) Without infrastructure development – IPR rate + 2% towards Idco administrative charges.

b. With infrastructure development – Development cost will be loaded to IPR rate as per the prevailing practice for other industrial units.

The amendment will have no financial implication, a government press release said.

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