Unemployed Son Robs Mother Of Rs 10.75 Lakh At Gunpoint!

Bareilly: You have heard of various crimes. But this one will almost certainly leave you dumbfounded.

A woman was robbed of Rs 10.75 at gunpoint by her unemployed son and his friends in UP’s Bijnor district three days ago!

Kisan Cooperative Society (KCS) employee Rajkumari and her colleague Gopal Datt were on their way to the Cooperative Bank to deposit the society’s cash when they were confronted by her son Chetanraj and four others, timesnownews.com reported.

Rajkumari didn’t initially realize what was going on. But when one from the gang threatened the duo with a gun, she knew it was serious. They had no option but to part with the money.

A complaint was filed following which police started an inquiry. On Saturday, Chetanraj and three of his companions were arrested, while the fifth accused person is still at large.

Bijnor SP Dharamveer Singh informed that the plan was hatched by Chetanraj as he was aware of his mother’s duties and movements.

Chetanraj and the three others who were arrested told police that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed them into unemployment, so they committed the robbery to meet their expenses.

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