Fight Against COVID-19: Brazilian Viper Venom May Become A Tool, Says Study

Sao Paulo: Researchers from Brazil have detected a molecule in the venom of a type of snake inhibited coronavirus reproduction in monkey cells. This is perhaps the first step towards a drug to fight the virus causing COVID-19.

According to a study published in the scientific journal Molecules this month, the molecule produced by the jararacussu pit viper inhibited the virus’ ability to multiply in monkey cells by 75 per cent.

“We were able to show this component of snake venom was able to inhibit a very important protein from the virus,” a University of Sao Paulo professor and an author of the study, Rafael Guido was quoted as saying by news agency Reuters.

The molecule is a peptide, or chain of amino acids, which can link to an enzyme of the coronavirus called PLPro. The peptide can be synthesized in the laboratory as it’s already known for its antibacterial qualities, Guido revealed in an interview.

“We’re wary about people going out to hunt the jararacussu around Brazil, thinking they’re going to save the world … That’s not it!” herpetologist running the Butantan Institute’s biological collection in Sao Paulo, Giuseppe Puorto was quoted as saying by the agency. “It’s not the venom itself that will cure the coronavirus,” Puorto said.

Next, the researchers will evaluate the efficiency of different doses of the molecule. They will also check whether it is able to prevent the virus from entering cells in the first place, said a statement from the State University of Sao Paulo (Unesp).

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