Portrayal Of Children: Bhubaneswar Round Table Highlights Media’s Key Role

Bhubaneswar: A media round table on ‘Portrayal of Children in Media’ here on Friday highlighted the vital role of media in protecting and promoting children’s rights.

The event, organised by UNICEF in collaboration with Odisha Women in Media (OWM), featured important conversation about the influence of media on its understanding of children and their unique narratives.

William Hanlon Jr, Chief of Field Office UNICEF Bhubaneswar, spoke about the mission to champion responsible and positive representations of children.

“Media has the power to shape the narratives that contribute to the well-being and future of our younger generation. Every child’s story deserves to be told with authenticity, empathy and respect,” he stated.

Ajay Singh, UNICEF Odisha Specialist Social Policy, said that the round table aims to discuss how we portray children in print, television and digital media, and stress on child rights being well reported in the media.

“When reporting about children, we must be positive. Reporting for them should also protect privacy. We should prioritise rights problems above frivolous ones,” said Singh.

Enlightening the women journalists on the ethics of reporting for children,

Speaking on the ethics of reporting about children, senior journalist Sandeep Sahu said: “There are certain norms to be followed while reporting for children, as they are very sensitive. Journalists should always hide the identity of children while reporting, including the child’s name, parents names, relatives names, and house or even school. One irresponsible report can traumatize a child and impact her or his mental health forever.”

He requested all journalists to go through the guidelines on child rights by UNICEF and NCPCR for better understanding the issue.

OWM president Kasturi Ray said it’s imperative that journalists critically assess current trends in reporting on children and recognise the need for change.

“Let us acknowledge the power we hold in our pens and cameras — power that can either empower or exploit. Our narratives can shape societal understanding, contribute to the well-being of children, or perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misrepresentations,” said Ray.

Experts on the issue explored the intricate ways media shapes the perceptions of children and their stories. The mission to champion responsible portrayals and ensure authenticity in storytelling was reiterated.

The round table addressed challenges where children are still at risk and underscored the importance of media professionals prioritising children’s issues in their reporting.

A total of 75 journalists and media professionals participated in the round table discussion.

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