New Delhi: Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s Laal Singh Chaddha is now streaming on Netflix. According to plan, the film was supposed to stream on the OTT platform, six months after its theatrical release. However, the makers of Laal Singh Chaddha silently landed the film on the digital platform. The streaming platform broke the news of Laal Singh Chaddha’s OTT release some time back. Directed by Advait Chandan, the film was the Indian adaptation of the Hollywood film, Forrest Gump, featuring Tom Hanks.
An official update about Laal Singh Chaddha’s digital release was shared by the OTT platform on its official Instagram. The caption to the post read, “Keep your popcorn golgappas ready because Laal Singh Chaddha is NOW STREAMING! #AamirKhan @kareenakapoorkhan @monajsingh @aamirkhanproductions @viacom18studios @paramountpics (sic).”
Earlier, during a media interaction, Aamir Khan revealed he likes to keep a six-month gap between his film’s theatrical and OTT release.
“One of the reasons, primarily, I think the curiosity of going to theaters has reduced because films come on OTT right after they come in theaters, they come on OTT very fast. So I have always tried to keep a 6 month gap for my films. I don’t know what the industry follows, but I like to keep a 6 month gap. So that’s what I tried to do for all my films and, up till now, we have managed that,” he had said.
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