Thiruvananthapuram: Going against his party stand, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor has in supported the inclusion of chapters on RSS ideologues VD Savarkar and MS Golwalkar in the Kannur University syllabus in Kerala.
“What is the point of going to universities if you want to read only what you like,” tweeted Tharoor, who is considered the intellectual face of the Congress.
The Thiruvananthapuram MP backing the controversial syllabus comes at a time when Congress leaders in Kerala have criticised the university’s decision to teach about the RSS ideologues to posy-graduate students.
Tharoor, a celebrated author and orator, said he had referred to Savarkar and Golwalkar in his books and then refuted them. It is foolish to believe that ignorance of someone’s ideas will help one defeat them, he added.
Intellectual freedom is far too important a value in our society to be sacrificed at the altar of party politics. It is foolish to believe that ignorance of someone’s ideas will help you to defeat them. I have quoted Savarkar & Golwalkar at length in my books, & refuted them.
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) September 12, 2021
“Some friends disapprove of my stand that academic freedom requires us to read, understand & debate every point of view, including those we disagree with. If we don’t read Savarkar & Golwalkar, on what basis will we oppose their ideas? #KannurUniversity also teaches Gandhi & Tagore. Intellectual freedom is far too important a value in our society to be sacrificed at the altar of party politics,” he tweeted.
Some friends disapprove of my stand that academic freedom requires us to read,understand & debate every point of view, including those we disagree with. If we don’t read Savarkar& Golwalkar, on what basis will we oppose their ideas? #KannurUniversity also teaches Gandhi&Tagore.
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) September 12, 2021