Bhubaneswar: A former Indian Air Force officer, Ajit Kumar Khuntia, has reportedly gone missing from Nayapalli in Odisha capital. A resident of Damayanti Apartments at Behera Sahi, Ajit Kumar Khuntia did not return home from his evening walk on May 10 (Tuesday).
His wife Bijaylaxmi Nayak has lodged a missing complaint with Nayapalli Police. “We waited three days for him to return and searched everywhere we could before seeking the help of police,” she told a local channel.
Bijaylaxmi claimed that being a former Air Force officer, he was both mentally and physically strong. “I hope police can locate him and bring him back to us,” she said.
Notably, former Aska MLA Saroj Padhi has also been missing from the city. He went incommunicado after leaving his apartment in Unit VI in Bhubaneswar around 7 am on May 12.